Friday, December 18, 2015

RIP Christmas

Yes Christmas is dead. 
It's sad but true because the true meaning of it is gone.
Most people are currently rushing around stressed trying to find gifts for people that they barely care about, visit or love during the entire year but so they are not singled out by society as being a "Scrooge" they force themselves to conform to what they're told is right. I used to be one of them, stressing myself out, agonizing over not having the money to get the best for my loved ones or risking leaving someone out, even purchasing coworkers whose characters I do not care for gifts, but now I don't. I finished my Christmas shopping before the end of November and my list was very short not because most of my family members who would have received a gift are deceased(have to throw in my morbid humor lol) but because I was organized and honest with my list and my gifts. Working in retail has allowed me to be on the front line of crazed shoppers who are stressed, depressed, and zombies(shout out to the customer who said he had walked the mall for four hours, come into my store twice and given up on finding his girlfriend anything else other than a Nike shirt because now he feels "numb and zombie like."). Let's take yesterday and my first customer who was angry because I couldn't help her find a coupon and said she was going to call and complain on me for it(shout out to you preggers, I deemed this one of your moments of emotional rushes because even your husband left you in the store tired of you bickering at him to go and find peace from your annoying self  look in another store). While she was upset over a coupon one of my final customers was not concerned with Christmas gifts, you know why? BECAUSE HER MOTHER WAS DYING IN A HOSPITAL AND SHE AND HER FAMILY KNEW THIS WAS HER FINAL CHRISTMAS! Yes something to worry about, a truth, people and the quality of time with which we spend with them builds memories and those memories can't be lost, burned or stolen. So I hope the stuff that can be lost, burned or stolen is enough. I'll take being home with my family with no tree no gifts no nothing but watching Charlie Brown's Christmas on TV with them and building those memories over anything.

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