Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ageless Wisdom

The saying goes that with age comes wisdom.
However I beg to differ.
Age is a number, a simple number that continues going up, but the art of learning is something that I feel has to be crafted and honed nowadays. While today with the era of cellphones, Google, and the direct access we have to answers when we have a question looks great, what I see is a failure in us to realize that not all answers in the world or on the web are true or complete. For myself I was raised in a home where there were books, dictionary's, thesaurus  and a freedom to read what I wanted and write what I wanted. While I may have not gotten the $10 sneaker looking slippers from Walmart when I was 10, I had the freedom to sing as loud, and write whatever I wanted without censorship.  But today I was thinking about how on many of the older adults I'm around are stuck in there twenties, and truly believing that what they read on the Internet and in the world is truth. They're older than me but they lack the common sense enough to understand aspects of life that they should have lived by now and perfected. But maybe I'm wrong?
For the younger people in their early twenties, finding "friends" is still an important thing, but finding "friends" for them means partying while in a drunken state and hooking up but behind these "friends" back you talk badly about them. What kind of new age "friendship" is this? Oh it's the kind that not real, is an on and off again thing. (Applause) Good for you and your false "friendships" that are a waste of time and cause you to miss really good people that will add to your life instead of cause it trouble. I'm thankful I have the friends I do, and thankfully I didn't have to continue on the long journey of searching for friends in my twenties, but it's not so easy now. With all the technology would it be so easy to hook up and go party? If grouping your friends in a text message to meet at the "spot" to party wasn't so easy would this help? On the cellphone stuff, auto correct has taken a toll on all of us, but for people that can't spell very well or read very well is that an hinderance more than a help? Has teaching to a test while in school created this machine of imbeciles or has the households of today that have more computers and technology in them than books bring the downfall closer? I wonder a bit, because more and more I'm seeing older adults and younger adults act the same, immature, unguided and lost, coming to me for advice because they can't figure out their own lives. It's not enough to have superficial worldly wisdom, because being able to but on your resumé that your text message word per minute count is 100 wpm with auto correct may soon be a requirement on a job application, and that would be a great thing to some, but to me it seems so sad. Sad that people will learn how to create a fake Facebook profile to be vindictive to there ex and plot and plan for there downfall, but not spend any time researching for there future, things like colleges, housing, how to live healthy. It's a time now where wisdom is scarce and something to be worked for, a skill to be honed, but not many people are wanting too. I guess since we want immediate gratification and wisdom is a skill that requires patience and years and years of us having to adapt and change, and more importantly, and mostly importantly a willingness. Wisdom will still go unwanted, and often misused, and I don't know if it will ever be about something so simple as age again.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Guilt Free

If judging me is what makes you free then do it
But if its shackling you 
Don't do it
Take your eyes off of me so you can breath, relax and begin your own journey
I'm not going to fight you anymore, rather I'll stand by and wait for you to realize the worth of what you're fighting for 
The weight of a punch and how exhausting it can be to fight against air
It's all around, it's suffocating and it never gets tired
Aren't you tired?
Complaining about how worn out you are
But you're unemployed so I don't understand how sleeping in and not working and being financially supported by your mother can cause you to be tired?
You're still caught up on me
And the guilt I feel for that is unreal because I don't think I'm to blame mind wise but heart wise I know I carried on too long not feeling the same but acting like I did
I acted like I still loved you because I knew that I could make it alone but you. . . I knew I was all you had, how fixated you were on me, how much you loved me
So I had to cut it off, and leave no way for us to be friends because I didn't t want to confuse you or lead you on in any matter I did all I did for you and, stuff somehow- - - it backfired, blew up in my face 
And I'm in the wrong?
You convinced my friends, family, and everyone that I made our relationship unbearable 
After all I had invested, your crazy is shielded by a fake facade of well put together, gentlemen like actions but not it's true
Not true 
To all who believe in your award winning portrayal and are now against me I forgive you 
I had to forgive myself first because I allowed him to change me, push away my family and friends, became who I thought he wanted, void of myself and what little worth I held to begin with
So if judging me is what makes you free then do it
But if its shackling you 
Don't do it
Take your eyes off of me so you can breath, relax and begin your own journey
I'm not going to fight you anymore, rather I'll stand by and wait for you to realize the worth of what you're fighting for