Friday, February 5, 2016

Guilt Free

If judging me is what makes you free then do it
But if its shackling you 
Don't do it
Take your eyes off of me so you can breath, relax and begin your own journey
I'm not going to fight you anymore, rather I'll stand by and wait for you to realize the worth of what you're fighting for 
The weight of a punch and how exhausting it can be to fight against air
It's all around, it's suffocating and it never gets tired
Aren't you tired?
Complaining about how worn out you are
But you're unemployed so I don't understand how sleeping in and not working and being financially supported by your mother can cause you to be tired?
You're still caught up on me
And the guilt I feel for that is unreal because I don't think I'm to blame mind wise but heart wise I know I carried on too long not feeling the same but acting like I did
I acted like I still loved you because I knew that I could make it alone but you. . . I knew I was all you had, how fixated you were on me, how much you loved me
So I had to cut it off, and leave no way for us to be friends because I didn't t want to confuse you or lead you on in any matter I did all I did for you and, stuff somehow- - - it backfired, blew up in my face 
And I'm in the wrong?
You convinced my friends, family, and everyone that I made our relationship unbearable 
After all I had invested, your crazy is shielded by a fake facade of well put together, gentlemen like actions but not it's true
Not true 
To all who believe in your award winning portrayal and are now against me I forgive you 
I had to forgive myself first because I allowed him to change me, push away my family and friends, became who I thought he wanted, void of myself and what little worth I held to begin with
So if judging me is what makes you free then do it
But if its shackling you 
Don't do it
Take your eyes off of me so you can breath, relax and begin your own journey
I'm not going to fight you anymore, rather I'll stand by and wait for you to realize the worth of what you're fighting for 

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