Friday, January 22, 2016

Well Earned

        The few years of life that I've lived in the workforce have taught me a couple things. 
One, those who work hard succeed. Two, those who know the right people get ahead quicker and fail miserably at their jobs but because of who they know they're never punished but rewarded and promoted. I've ventured through the public school system and like most young adults of my generation it failed me. Not because of the educators but the administrators. The decision makers who more often than not haven't set foot in a classroom in over a decade, but some how make all decisions concerning the curriculum that should be implemented into today's schools. Yes making all children able to bubble in a scantron sheet is more important than how to count back change. I've definitely ran into more situations requiring me to balance a budget than how to bubble in my name. 
Getting away from the school system and their hierarchy of close minded socially and economically inept people that pass judgement on the front line men aka educators. Being in the workforce since I was fourteen or fifteen I've matured a lot. I've started at the bottom and been thrown back down, I've rose up but never enough for my liking. Along my journey I've met some good people but I've come to understand that one, brown nosing gets you farther. Two, most people in superior positions have no clue what they're doing, are lazy but will magically be promoted. Think about it, can you recall bosses you've had that fit this scenario? 

Think about it, I'll wait. ....................

        Yes, Natalie who was your first boss spent more time in the office sitting on her phone and popping whatever pills she's on rather than help you with work. But some how when supervisors visit Natalie's front and center shinning and grinning playing the part of a team player when she's a lazy, ill supervising dictator at heart. People like Natalie make me mad but I respect them because they figured it out before I did. While I'm over here doing the right things working hard they're reaping my sowing. But I don't think people like Natalie have lasting power. A brown nose with no brains? Natalie's bound to make a costly mistake that her brown nose can't get herself out of. And the minons that work under her will only take so much before they quit or complain and proceed with legal processes against her and the company. 


  1. This post made my fist clench and brought back remnants of an after taste I thought was long gone. The after taste of being screwed over in a system that was never meant to work for certain people. To be honest it's not a black thing or a white thing it's a PEOPLE thing. The entire time I read this post I reflected in my time in the u,ited states air force. I truly believed that I was entering a sacred fraternity if you will of soldiers, fighters, and warriors of the sky. I thought I was joining to become a protector and a leader of powerful men all with one mission: to keep our land free. Only to realize that the real fight was right here! I joined a group of people that got off on how much they could backstab their neighbor. The air force was exactly how you wrote it in this blog! Nobody that deserves a reward gets one!!! If you don't win first place in the duck sucking contest all you get is a thanks for playing try again next year.
