Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer Time


Yes summer is here, time for parents to take back looking after there children that they've pawned off on the school system for the last ten to twelve months. Yeah little Jane and Johnny are all yours again parents, what are you going to do with them? Well depending on what type of parents you are there are quite a few options.

Option 1: Day Camp
Funny enough my dad used to run my local counties day camp, my brothers went, I did not. Day camp is fun. Your kids can stay active, meet new friends. However I don't know if all day camps feed your children so may still have to send a lunch with them, but then again day camp isn't as costly as my next option.

Option 2: Sports Training Camp
So recently I've learned more about children being sent off to sports training camps for basketball, football, and others. I think that's great, the kids are active, they're staying prepare for upcoming seasons in there specific sports, and they're gaining an edge. Major colleges are holding these weekly camps and it's great, but costly.

Option 3: FEAR(ForgetEverythingAndRun)Let them fend for themselves   Independent Study
So independent study is something that parents who have children that are old enough to look after themselves. Usually these parents give there kids the money and hope for the best. With independent study children can learn a broad spectrum of things, like swearing, sex, theft, evading arrest, how long candy will keep you feeling full. But hey, you're an independent learner kid, man up, woman up. Join in with some friends, form a gang group patrol accost the neighborhood, be one with nature.

Bonus Option 4: DON'T HAVE KIDS!
Parents around the world are cracking under the pressure of having to be more involved with there children on a daily basis. I've been in the middle of children and parent melt downs recently and I feel sorry for both the children and the parents. But during those seven to eight hours a day where parents are at work, children are at school, those of you who are of appropriate age they don't have to deal with one another. And that's sad, because that's how the world has made it to be. While parents have to work long hours to afford and provide for there families they're having to miss out on spending quality time with there children, knowing who they are. I work in an environment with suburban raised children who are provided with the best of things, but I never see them with there parents. I've said it before and I'll say it again, being a parent is more than just providing, it's way more, and if you can't provide the MORE, DON'T HAVE KIDS!

I'm just being funny, I hope everyone has great summer, be safe enjoy it.

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