Saturday, February 21, 2015

PSA: You Matter

Science has it's definition
Well I have mine
Matter is personal, 
an to each it's own
Matter is a feel
a voice that is loud or silent
I myself struggle with matter, if I matter, you matter, she, he matter

A lady in my gym class whose going through a health struggle that has knocked her down a lot came to me and said "I love to see you in class because you dance around and it makes me feel like I'm not the only one looking weird when I dance." Another lady said that she missed me last week because I usually keep her on track with the moves. It surprised me because I go to the gym for my own love of it, but I guess I really do enjoy the like minded people as well and the advice that I receive from the people who most of the time all I know if there first name. I guess I just never thought that I matter a little bit which has caused me to take a serious look at my life and what matters to me. I've been caught up in existing, surviving rather than living because nothing seems to matter, but in all actuality is truly does. There's a reason that we wake up each morning and are allowed to live while other's pass on. It's because God knows we matter, it's the fault of us as people that causes that view of matter to become less, more, or nonexistent. 

God believes you do
And someone else does too.

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