Thursday, February 5, 2015

Uh uh

You know the more I live the more I realize I truly have five people who I've allowed to know me. One of those people is God of course, the other two are siblings and the other two are my best friends. I've realized I'm truly the most guarded I've ever been and I think I'm going to be alright with that because the people I'm guarded against have lost there chance of ever being number six, they just don't know it yet which is sad. I admittedly have a lot of sorry people as "friends" who only need or want me when it's convient for them. So to those "friends" good luck with your marriages, kids, jobs, life because when you text me-  - oh wait, I meant when I text you because you're too busy(I work almost 100hrs  a week, and I don't have a life or anything) with life(smirks) I'll still give you the time of day, but don't pry, don't try to see how I've been, don't try to fake the concern because your actions will never match your text emoji. Yup (places hands behind head props feet on desk) I'm sentencing you to the associate/surface friendship zone enjoy swimming in it. 

But you know I'm not even mad (laughs)

I'm not talking about my j2's or siblings or God.(Like TI from ATL) Be clear

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