Sunday, August 30, 2015

It Starts There

        The situation is this, most accidents, and incidents good and bad relate back to personal skills that we should have learned when we were children. You question, I don't understand why my younger sister who is 30 is such a brat, well let's take a look back at when she was 6 and was never punished for being a brat or told that her actions were wrong or brat like? So the brattiness was left to  fester, grow, and throughout her aging process she becomes more of a brat, so now she has a husband and children, and a house with a white picket fence and she's used her brattiness to acquire all she has, and while her husband believes her brattiness to be cute, and adorable, he's a blind loving husband who works a high end job that affords your bratty sister to be a stay at home mom with nannies and such who the kids almost accidentally call mommy everyday, cause they represent being a mother more than your bratty sister. So how does the fact that you and your husband having to scrap and save to give your one child a decent up bringing bode with you? Does it make you a bit bitter? You can feel how you want, but know that when your bratty sister was 6 and she lied on you about breaking that vase and you let her, silently accepting her lie and allowing your parents to punish you instead, and you took that punishment in silence, you set yourself up for what you feel right now. Yep, it's your fault and all the people around her that thought her pouting, and throwing a tantrum was cute and not her being a brat. It's your fault because she used what little power she had to cry, whine, and stomp her foot to get her way, while you sat in the corner moping, going unnoticed because she took all the attention. Yep being a sibling of a brat is something else for the other siblings, but don't think the brattiness started recently, the root of bratitude(yep, made it up) is a seed that is fed by many fertilizers, and watered unwittingly by the siblings, parents, teachers, and whomever is around the bratty sibling, they take whoever they're around and make them feed the seed of bratitude they have deeply rooted where there heart should be.
        This topic came to me when I was watching the news, and of course the news is just a bucket of happy now a days (sarcastic), but anyways I was watching the news and I realized that most of the issues that we are supposed to receive in grade school or before at home are the reasons why we suck fail as adults. Some personal skills include, listening, paying attention, silence while others are speaking, sharing, humility, responsibility, cooperation just to name a few, oh and my favorite one is keeping your hands to yourself. Now, I don't have children, but I do observe children on a daily basis and have a personal understanding that they grow into adults. So if little Tommy is throwing things that don't belong to him at 7 and 8, if you never correct him, he's going to jail for assault as an adult. Yeah I can hear it now,  "That's dramatic, and blah blah blah," but it's my personal opinion that this everyones a winner, as long as you treat me like everyone else, but I have special issues that require me to not be treated like everyone else so don't treat me like everyone else but if you treat me different I'll tell blah, blah, blah is heading  going down a road of justifiable violence and circumstances that are ridiculous. 
        I remember the day where if the teacher threatened that they would call your parents it sparked fear in me, now if teachers say that, the student responds with laughing, and something like this "Call'em, the numbers ###-####," then the parent is called and they show up mad at the teacher for pulling them from work, which I question what work you could be doing that allowed you to get to the school house in five minutes still dressed in your cookie monster pajama pants, dingy white tank top and neon green flip flops and satin shower cap, keep in mind it's 2 PM, must be a laid back job, one of those stay at home- - -getting back on topic I'll  save that for another blog- - so the parent has been pulled from work and they blame the teacher for calling them about their child, when the actions that their child portrays at school they condone and allow at home are what cause the phone call to be made in the first place. What a way to point a finger, but since you feel like being childish I'll respond with a childish phrase, "Just remember he who points a finger has three pointing back at them."

P. S
Check out these hilarious videos about

What Students Say To Teachers vs What They Want To Say
What Teachers Say vs What Teachers WANT To Say (part 1)

So true LOL

God Bless, Thanks for reading

Monday, August 10, 2015


Allow for a minute for yourself to be lost
Be broken shattered and in pieces
When the fires fully extinguished and you have no one and nothing left
When all you have left is a room with a window and silence an ashes
When you're so low you beg to differ if this is what God has allowed for your life
You question whether you'll live through it all to give a testimony to it
What is weight now? 
You've been holding up so much for so long that the boulder on your back is normal in comparison to the down pour of tears collecting in a pool at your feet
For a minute you stopped
You gave up a couple times but you didn't stay down for long
You don't understand your journey and you don't care anymore because all that you have left are theses four walls a roof and a floor
So you bend down close your eyes and you pray until something happens
You PUSH because everyone whoever cared about you is miles down the road 6 feet under 
And they're watching, they're rooting for you to stand to keep on because they know that the only reason you're going through so much is because some don't want you to win because they know that what's  at the end I this is so grand they don't want you to have it
So you PUSH
You may be here for hours and nothing, it could be days, months or even years and nothing 
But you PUSH
Because literally no ones going to do  it for you 
Look around, whose left?
No one 
So you must PUSH
If giving up is your game plan you better have another because that isn't an option for you
Pray Until Something Happens

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Every negative thought
Turned into a positive thought
All mountains moved
All the wrongs in the world were made right
I had a nickel for
I'd be rich for
Being rich financially is overrated 
Being rich makes you happy so must loneliness
I had been given that life over there
Things were different
I could make logic out of this jacked world
I could find happiness
All joy was truly easy to come by like breathing
Man I forgot to say if

Sunday, August 2, 2015

There's Something Else

There's something else
Don't know what it is, or when it's coming or how
But I know there is something else
So if everyday is mundane
And the challenges are few
Are we to be acceptant of that?
Does the mundane lead to the greatness that we're promised?
To me no
So I'm left believing that there's something else
I'll hold onto that glimmer of something else until I die, no matter how small it is
Because change doesn't come from mundane and normal
Change comes from suffering, letting your faith and spirt be stretched 
to its point of breaking, and sometimes being broken is the bulb of the something else that is planted deep in the ground and over time forms the roots necessary to make a stronger, better plant
So I'll be here waiting for that something else, and you can join me or not