Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ode To Black Friday

        While back in the day Thanksgiving was an all day preparation situation with mom, grandma, aunts communing in the kitchen making there famous pies and dishes. Times have changed. I don't know when this happened but it had to have been subtle. Now on Thanksgiving people are plotting not what will be prepared or what football game will be watched but what the opening times are of their favorite stores and shopping malls. So you'll spend time plotting out every part of your Satan Hell Black Friday schemes and every Starbucks in route between each store your going too. For what? Sure the excitement of the Christmas season, or having your family around to help save a spot in that long line, or get over on the one item per person situation by having little Sarah purchase the Xbox One. It's a very different time, one where stuff is more important than family, and hours are wasted on planning for an event that really isn't as deal stealing as these stores fool you to believe. But to the people who have to work and see and deal with the people who are shopping it's not as much of a nightmare as it is laughable. Well to me anyways. So I've decided to list some of the peeves that my coworkers and I find to be common among consumers during Satan Hell Black Friday.

Rule 1: Do not ask the employees if they're any more discounts you can get? 
Why: It makes you look more cheap(you already look cheap in your dingy white shirt, Cookie Monster pajama pants, slipper and head wrap) When the majority of the store is reduced why be greedy? And honestly it's not our priority to do your couponing for you. But will be happy to show you where all the best deals are in the store, as long as you do not ignore our forced greeting of you when you enter our store. (The one's who ignore retail workers when we greet them somehow are the main one's who have questions.)

Rule 2: Do not tell the employees that you fee for them having to work on Thanksgiving.  
Why: Obviously this question is my biggest pet peeve. You're here shopping, technically I'm working on Thanksgiving BECAUSE OF YOU. If you didn't shop we would be closed so don't chastise me with you fake concern. In the words of Marshawn Lynch "You know why I'm here."

Rule 3: Looking is fine, but if you're a touchy person put your hands in your pockets. 
Why: More often than not people are more so looking at what sales are going on and aren't looking to buy. Not buying is great but touching everything and messing it up I believe should require a fee. The thanks for messing up the store but not buying anything fee. 

Rule 4: Do not get high on impulses
Why: Shopping can be addictive anything can be. But watching other people spend ridiculous amounts of money on stuff can pull the most greatest of followers to spend as well. Look don't be a follower, think before you spend frivolously. (Pay your bills first, don't be that type of refund person who has to because the light, water, and electricity bills are due and you spent too much on stuff)

Rule 5: Do not bring your kids with you. And don't get mad at your kids for being a kid. 
Why: In the beginning of the Black Friday excitement kids will promise to be behaved and full of energy but after about 2 hours in they'll be tired and whiny. You can't fault the child for being a child, there little bodies aren't prepared for this, they require naps and breaks and snacks. So don't expect them to be able to go from 6pm - midnight. (If you must bring your children make sure your stocked up and well prepared)

The last and final rule is the most important of all
Rule 6: Be safe, be smart.
Why: Stuff..........is not worth your life or the lives of others. We are in very different times, and they're somewhat destructive and it's well planned destruction, so please be safe with all the chaos that will be going on from the roadways, stores, security is there to keep you safe, so keep a level head, and the smart. 

Have fun on Black Friday for those of you going out for it, as for me I'll work my shift and head on home and spend time with my family.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Can't See

I don't see that
I don't see what you see
This debate is fake on your half if you say you believe in what I do
How can that be true?
I'm not going to take a place atop a tower and cast shame downwards because that's not my place, it seems to be yours
I don't see that
I don't see where it says hate and separation is justified 
What faith is that?
I don't see confusion 
I see it clear I don't care about what color your skin is but how you treat me and how you care 
I don't say that you're wrong, the opinion is yours
But I'm left believing your closed mindedness has left you ignorant and safe inside your glass house
I hope you cherish your safety because I can't imagine you surviving this world without it
But I don't see love in your view
I may be bitter at times, that's rectifiable 
But your justified ignorance is not 
It may have been a while ago but it's not now
It's sad, very sad that you call yourself by the name of his people but lack the intelligence to know your faith is fake
You can't mix faith with hate
So don't ask me how I love a friend, who is a strong woman and loves a strong woman. Don't come to me questioning why an interracial couple would chose to have a child together, and that that child will grow up confused by what they are
Because I don't see what you see
Neither of our generations have witnessed the significant divide from our past so I don't play those cards
But I do play the card of being a child of his, knowing his view is nothing like what you see, nothing like the racial poisoning that you project and respect 
All I can do is pray, pray for the veil to be lifted off your eyes and pray that your offspring will not be ill effected by you 
I pray that he or she learns to just love, without conditions, learn that love is an international means of communication and it's more than just the color of your skin

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

When Did This Become Okay?

I don't know man, but these kids are growing up to be real mean little people. 
I've recently heard stories from and personally experienced kids acting out with a level of douchebaggery that they should not have acquired yet. A kid should not call his parents or guardians stupid or idiots and belittle other kids. Case and point I was giving out Halloween candy and little Elsa (toddler)and Ironman( 5-6) come up to get candy, Elsa starts to try to get her piece of candy out of the box, I had to lean down so she could reach it but before she could get any candy, Ironman pushes her back and gets her candy grumbling that she needs to hurry up and she was stupid for being slow all the time. Parents? Oh no correction from you because you're on your cellphone? Okay so little true to character douchebag Ironman is cool to do this? 
Little Elsa got to get extra candy this time on her own while little true to character Ironman trudged into the next house
Second occurrence, at work a little girl (9-10, old enough to get slapped)and her grandmother were shopping and were  ready to check out so I did my thing and gave her grandmother her total. After 5 minutes of digging through her purse for her misplaced debit card she retrieved it and goes to hand it to me. Keep in mind the little girl was standing there impatiently playing with her huge Brandy braids, she snatched the card out of her grandmothers hand and swiped it on the machine. 

Really are you for real? Are you serious right now?

Rude, rude, rude little brat, she's here buying your ungrateful behind stuff and you want to snatch and ---I had to take a moment of silence for her behavior or to take my hands off of my belt or to rethink grabbing "Brandy" over the counter and giving her an over the knee experience. 

Where did this become okay?