Wednesday, November 4, 2015

When Did This Become Okay?

I don't know man, but these kids are growing up to be real mean little people. 
I've recently heard stories from and personally experienced kids acting out with a level of douchebaggery that they should not have acquired yet. A kid should not call his parents or guardians stupid or idiots and belittle other kids. Case and point I was giving out Halloween candy and little Elsa (toddler)and Ironman( 5-6) come up to get candy, Elsa starts to try to get her piece of candy out of the box, I had to lean down so she could reach it but before she could get any candy, Ironman pushes her back and gets her candy grumbling that she needs to hurry up and she was stupid for being slow all the time. Parents? Oh no correction from you because you're on your cellphone? Okay so little true to character douchebag Ironman is cool to do this? 
Little Elsa got to get extra candy this time on her own while little true to character Ironman trudged into the next house
Second occurrence, at work a little girl (9-10, old enough to get slapped)and her grandmother were shopping and were  ready to check out so I did my thing and gave her grandmother her total. After 5 minutes of digging through her purse for her misplaced debit card she retrieved it and goes to hand it to me. Keep in mind the little girl was standing there impatiently playing with her huge Brandy braids, she snatched the card out of her grandmothers hand and swiped it on the machine. 

Really are you for real? Are you serious right now?

Rude, rude, rude little brat, she's here buying your ungrateful behind stuff and you want to snatch and ---I had to take a moment of silence for her behavior or to take my hands off of my belt or to rethink grabbing "Brandy" over the counter and giving her an over the knee experience. 

Where did this become okay? 

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