Friday, October 30, 2015

All This

All this for one night only?

I don't know if I'm down for investing hundreds of dollars into a Jordan jersey just so I can be Miley Cyrus for Halloween. Nor am I spending thirty dollars on boxing gloves so I can basically play pretend for a night. For those people that are hardcore celebrators of Halloween, DO THAT! Go all out. But for the last minute bandwagon folks, STOP. JUST STOP!
Why stress yourself out over a costume that you'll try to piece together and fail miserably at?
Just be you. 
Many people are pretending to be somebody that they're not on a regular basis. So why change now?
I just boggles my mind that some people are leaving bills unpaid and overdue to shop for the right Minion yellow socks for their Minion costume, so a day after you can try those socks for a refund. 
You paid credit so you're bank will hold your money for a bit. But somehow your lack of adulting(yep made it up) will be my fault and you'll address me with irritability and obscenities. I'll in turn embrace your attitude with faked concern and wait for you to calm down, finish or leave. Your final words of course will be something to the effect of "I'm never coming back", and you'll view that as a threat while I'll accept it, almost jumping forth to extend my pinky to get you to promise. 


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