Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Have The Cake, Enjoy It

If I cry, yell and scream I should get my way, also I'm going to assume you have the mental make up of a 2 year old, unable to control your feelings or take the chastisement that you earned because you screwed up and refuse to take responsibility for it. But looking at you I clearly see you're an adult, with a bachelors degree so I'm ruling out the 2 year old make up thing. 

Slow clap for the people who follow the traits first stated that if I cry, yell and scream I should get my way, wrong or right, whoever is more visibly upset wins. That's the way it's looking nowadays. Or if I can justify my wrong it should be forgotten and forgiven(cough, cough) Rachel Dolezal(cough, cough). What does this anything goes mentality mean? To me it means chaos, it means that rules are pointless, and anarchy is bound to happen eventually. But it won't be the people who cry, yell and scream who are the anarchist, it will be the unsuspecting law abiding citizens that after continuous unfairness and being walked over take what's rightfully there's. So to all of those that use the crying, yelling, pouting, screaming tactics to get out of doing what is right, enjoy it now. Enjoy your freedom, enjoy the false rise to the top, but keep in mind the fall to the bottom is long, arduous and lonely. And to all the people who do what's right, the ones who fight their moral compass wanting do the same bad that others have done unto you but you have the "do right by others" bred into your DNA keep going, it will turn around. 

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