Wednesday, July 29, 2015

On The Mend

If there's no other choice
If all there is left is the breath in your lungs
Then take that air and scream
Scream until you feel normal
Scream until you run out of air then take another breath
If there's another morning that you get to see
And you can see
Then gaze around and count the walls 
Don't blink too much don't pass by people, places and things without appropriately introducing yourself
Discover all that you weren't allowed to touch and touch it over and over until it's so familiar you feel it before you think
If your heart is broken but still beating
I came to tell you that you're not dead yet no matter what your mind thinks
So take that heart and it's broken parts and mend
It won't be over night, it's going to take years until you're fully adjusted
But you have to start somewhere 
You won't stay this way forever no matter what your head says
You mend
You mend through whatever it is that takes you out of yourself, if it worries you, sparks fear do it
Remember you're here for a purpose
One you'll never understand or know
But nothing can function broken at least not for long so mend 

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