Monday, March 9, 2015

Do You Want Chaos or Structure?

Seems like we can't figure out if we as people want structure or chaos. From the most simplistic of structures such as work place policies to more heavy issues such as murdering someone. Speed limit signs are in place so that there's a modicum of safety while we drive around 1000 ton vehicles that are really not as safe as we believe. Who obeys a speed limit sign? (Uh huh)

Not many, most push the limit 3-5 mph more than what is listed. So what if we removed speed limit signs? No one pays any attention to them anyway, let people make their own intelligent, scholar, future genius' (taste the sarcasm)of the world decisions on what speed they should go. 
Yes Suzy can choose to rev her car to 50 mph in a residential area and perhaps hit a child, post man, basically kill someone because it should be her choice right? This is the chaos that would happen, more accidents, more death, chaos. But we don't want to be controlled, bossed around, I should have freedom.
Hate to break it to you "freedom fighter" but  freedom without rules and regulations, some kind of structure is anarchy. And we all know how that show ended with Jack's killing everyone and riding his motorcycle into the front of a semi. (Son's of Anarchy reference lol)

I'm just saying the small amount of rules that we don't follow are not as small or irrelevant as we believe, they're important. And no matter how stupid or mundane we believe them to be they could progress to something horrible. So just try to follow da rules.(lol)

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