Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Whine Much

There's an epidemic y'all it's sweeping the nation. The epidemic of whining. I usually wake up each morning and start my routine but I was awoken by multiple text messages from a whiner. First of all everyone who knows me knows I'm the type of person to suck it up and soldier on sick, death in the family, cuts and bruises, sore and all. To be honest my body is riddled with pain constantly and I have my own personal issues but I soldier on. Now I will add that I know what you're saying "Not everyone can be like you" and blah blah blah, but I'm not asking that, what I'm asking is for people to stop whining. And if you are going to whine let the situation be one of involuntary cause, most whiners have voluntarily caused the situation they are whining about. Therefore if you brought it on yourself, shut up about and be big girls and big boys about it and don't whine to get sympathy, especially not from me. But back to the text message I received this morning, the person is legitimately ill and was whining about how they had no more days left at school to miss and they're so ill. Background on this person they're a bit dramatic and flighty so it's no surprise that they call me whining. What irritated me is that they woke me up for their whining drabble. What am I supposed to say? Mind you my direct reaction was "I DONT CARE" very insensitive I know, it won't be the first time I hear that about myself, but the school part and not having enough days to miss really got me. Why don't you have days left? Maybe it's because you decided to skip school could that be it (yup)? Or maybe you've accumulated so many tardies that they turned into absences (yup)? (On baby voice)Or maybe it's because you work long hours have to do homework and go to school full time and do laundry and-----"THAT'S WHAT BEING AN ADULT IS!"   
So moral of the story is I don't care about your whining when the situation you're whining about you caused and overlook your involvement in. Make better decisions and stop whining. 

P.s. I should have known it was a whining text message because the person never messages me that early unless they want something. Smh

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