Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Have To Love School Rules

      You mean to tell me because she kept her kid at home from school because he was sick with the symptoms on the list you sent home with him that specifically say do not come to school if you have these symptoms, she's going to jail?

Are you serious?

nounthe action of staying away from school without good reason; absenteeism."he had a history of truancy and expulsion from school"

      This is a law in some states where parents are held responsible to make sure there children attend school, and if they miss more than an certain amount of days the parents can be jailed. Okay the law is important for the parents who could careless about whether are not there kids make it to school or not. But in the situation I'm discussing the parent has not sent their child to school based on the fact that they had symptoms that matched the illnesses listed on the school list that states for the parent to not allow there children to attend school. Also the illnesses all have doctors notes (but anyone can get a doctors note nowadays) but the counselor says none of the absences will be excused. Okay I get the fact that children missing school effects their learning, "learning" which today may mean a 45 minute period where the movie Sandlot is played, or busy work is given out after the teacher does 20 minutes of active teaching which may be showing a couple of meaningless powerpoint slides. Honestly I feel the prolonged time wasted in 11th and 12th grade is an insult to injury but that's another blog, but I mean this parent was following the rules they thought, now they're being punished for them? If you're child not showing up to school because they're sick is such a problem why aren't the parents of horrible, violent, trouble making children arrested? If your child is running around bitting, kicking, cursing, hitting, and threatening classmates and staff why can't you be held responsible for there horrible actions? To me it's only far. But often in the situations of troublesome children they have some kind of file on them that justifies there inability to act like they have some sense. Oh how I love the justifiable wrong in the world that say's my child is no different when they're picked on and made fun of, but oh when they act up it's all about separating them from every other child because they have insert socially acceptable medical condition so there. The parent facing jail time is a decent parent they live there life based on there kids and actually try, so jail them? Yes, take away the only productive parent the children have while the parent of little Suzy Q is free and clear and bringing Suzy Q to school everyday ahead of schedule so she can start her cussing, fighting, bitting ways early and her parent can return home and have her me time, although she's not currently employed and most of the time Suzy Q is with her grandmother, I guess mommy needs her me time. 

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