Sunday, April 5, 2015

Oh Because You Know Me So Well?

Hm, uh uh, well let's go ahead and put this out there. 
Have you ever experienced judgements from people who are dead on about who you are? Okay, now have you ever experienced judgements from people who think they know you and are completely wrong? Okay, I'll be blogging about the later. 
Situation is a person made some comments about me that they believe are true when in fact are completely false, this person is of course a complete scholar(taste the sarcasm) and has known me inside one environment for a total of 1 week.
Yes people it's possible to learn everything their is to know about someone in an structured environment and in one week. Forget about all the psychomumbojumbo about human complexity and such just base it on this persons reasoning. Here's the reasoning are you ready? "Your face says' it all" okay I'll give it to you Dr. I Can Read Non Verbal Cues, but that really doesn't work for me when my resting face is what you consider my "angry face". I'm not running around with a fake smile plastered on my face sorry. Not only do you have me pegged that I'm always mad, but I hate everyone. I don't hate everyone, the majority or people are just annoying like you and like to try to pry into people like you deserve to know it all. 

You don't. 

Secondly, I'm not always mad but the fact that you can't do easy mundane task like sign where the bright red X is on a piece of paper is really irrating and causes me to dive further into giving up on mankinds ability to have critical thinking skills. Or have the knowledge and understanding to not touch hot items with your bare hands. But you're a scholar, and your thinking is so heightened that perhaps you can't be troubled to recall the basics of such a behind world?  I don't know, but I know that in a week we became best friends and although I know nothing about you, you some how used your amazon prime account to rush ship the book on me. And judging by your avid use of urban dictionary words and twerking jargon I believe that you indeed did complete the entire book in a week. Good job, you get a gold star. 

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