Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Are You For Real Man?

When I run into people I went to school with usually they're doing well, but every once in a while I hit a head on collision with the one's who have physically changed and mentally stayed the same. The other day while at work I ran into a high school classmate that I used to be friends with my freshmen and sophomore year. He looked older, super older, like aged far beyond where he should be. But he came in looking for a job, which was cool I'm down to try to help any body looking for a job, but as I started to talk to him I realized that he still has a do nothing, I'm too good for this mentality. He didn't sound like a person who needed a job, more so like his arrogant freshmen self. Are you serious man, has your mentality not changed at all? Have you not grown up? It took all that was in me to keep it professional because honestly he needed to be told the honest truth of why he's probably jobless in the first place. If you've never come to a place of being jobless or down on your luck in life you can't understand how it will humble you(I've been there). That every little ounce of pride that we hold onto and cloak ourselves in isn't for others it's for ourselves, it's self denial. It's pride that makes arrogance and it's pride that will keep you in the same broke state you're in while arrogance prances around like its big and bad while your true self shudders in the corner thin, frail, an dried up. That classmate didn't get the job, he unfortunately denied by the company. But honestly I don't think he would have stayed that long if he had gotten the job let alone had a good or even decent work ethic about working the job period because he's still the same arrogant little boy he was in highschool. 

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