Tuesday, May 5, 2015


        You know sometimes how you get in a mood? Like you feel extra happy or mopey or just blah? Well I would like to call my mood the LITR (life is too real) mood. It's when you realize that your personal life is somehow reached a pinnacle of realness that you never would have thought it would be. Some King of the world, Titanic type stuff, which makes it hard to share how I'm doing with people when they ask. If people knew how the simple phrase of "How are you?" affects me they wouldn't ask it. My response is usually a quick stern "Fine" or "Doing alright, I can't complain" but before those words leave my mouth or get typed out by my fingers in a text message there's a strain, an extra pain that I experience because I feel the pressure to be my usually brutally honest self, but I would be risking a lot. What would I be risking? Usually it's a choice between pissing off the person I'm talking too by wanting to say "Why would you ask me that, when you don't even care, and you're just being nosy to use my response for gossip?" or it's "I wish I could tell you the truth, but I don't trust you completely yet" or "You have a great life, I don't want to burden it, so I'm doing FANTASTIC (Draws an imaginary rainbow)". Do you ever feel that your life is too real for yourself and bringing a 3rd party into the equation could cause all the plates you have balance on sticks and spinning to come tumbling to the ground? That's how I feel sometimes.

Have a good day!!!!
God Bless

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