Tuesday, January 13, 2015

FZS:This guy!

You're walking around being the dorky, handsome, and intelligent self, completely oblivious to the fact that you're a very attractive man. 
This Guy! 
This Guy: A man who exudes confidence, intelligence, is handsome, while being oblivious to said attractiveness. These mean are a rare species and often leave women in a state of awe, and infatuation        , unable to vocalize there true feelings causing these women to end up in the friend zone. 
Men who just don't know how attractive they are walking around in the fitted vneck shirts and toned bodies, then when they open there mouth they spew out all this intelligent, diverse, open minded crap that makes me find them only more attractive. The thing that pisses me off is that that's just who This Guy is. So I'm in an predicament, call it a FZS, a Friend Zone Situation if you will, do I continue on with This Guy and his lack of realization that's he's ever attractive both mentally and psychically or cruise control this whip right into the FZ, Friend Zone? Maybe I've grown comfortable in the friend zone? I mean I don't have to get the 2 feelings I have left hurt, the doctor bills from the last time I had to put my feelings in the ICU were tremendous. I know that this life is short, and sometimes you just have to go with it. I just don't do well with the commitment thing, I'd much rather be the friend first, then maybe see what can come of it, but in the mean time what am I supposed to do? I don't want to keep getting stuck in the friend zone. 
I pretty much believe that This Guy has no idea that I like him as more than a friend, and honestly I kind of feel as if he's a bit out of my league, but I still feel like WHY NOT YOU CIDERA, WHY NOT? Part of me says GO FOR IT, then the other part says, but be prepared for the friend zone notification to come down hard in your IPhone, or the "I'm not ready for a relationship, blah, blah, blah" which I translate to mean "I'm not ready for a relationship with YOU, blah, blah, blah. The jacked up part is for all the times I've had crushes on This Guy types, they have never known, or I've never told them until after they have gotten a girlfriend and started asking me for advice about there relationship. I guess the friend zone habits die hard? Funny thing is I give them really good advice about there relationships with there girlfriends while dying a little bit inside. 
Friend zoning is something else, it can look like a wonderful place, while if you take up residence there it can leave you very lonely, but oh well. My condominiums paid for now so might as well stay here lol.

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