Monday, January 5, 2015

Siblings Will Never View Me As An Adult

My sister said I was sleeping like an angel. 

I don't know why that got to me but it did. I'M A GROWN WOMAN!  But her and my brother still view me as a kid. Yes I'm the youngest but still. 
Being the youngest is something I will never outgrow and the view of me by my older siblings will always be the high squeaky pitched voice,(my voice is still high pitched and squeaky) pigtailed little kid running around. I guess I'll let them have that view as long as they don't think I'm going to be single forever(shouts out to my bro who only wants God to be my man for the rest of my life). Being the youngest in my case allowed me to observe a lot of what my older siblings did. Yep all there mistakes and successes are saved in my memory bank(that's right bro and sis I know the secrets lol). I look up to both my siblings but for a long time I tried to live up to there goals. For example if both my siblings went to a 4 year college I felt in my stupid mind I had to do the same, and if I failed at it then I wouldn't have understood why it worked for them and not me. Anyone who has siblings and never felt the need to compare yourselves to them big ups to you, but I'll admit I was guilty of comparing my life to my siblings. Eventually though we all grow up and find our niche in this jacked up world. Mine just so happened to be the people person niche.  I guess I'm just going to have to accept that to my older siblings I'll always' be a 4'5 round,little kid with pigtails and the same squeaky high pitched voice. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This post touched me in the sense that it allowed me a glimpse at understanding for the position of my younger sister. She recently decided college was not for her and she would rather go to a community college to be a pharmacy technician instead of finishing out her degree with computer science. While initially I was devastated and angry at her lack of care to accomplish the same points in life that I did I had to realize that she is not my little 3'3 round baby girl running down the hill in pig tails with a high sqeeky voice anymore. She is a woman now, 19 years old going on 20 in one more month, boy how time flies. As the oldest and having a younger sibling I can maybe help you to understand your older siblings points of view. It is not that you will ALWAYS be their baby sister it's just that when they look at you they are reminded of a certain period of time in their own lives as well. A time when life may have been sweet and innocent, a time where there was time to "play" and smell the breeze, you were their baby as well and now that you are a woman you bring to them the real world all over again and rudely remind them that "time waits for no one". Your innocence was the last bit of purity they had left being already tarnished by this world themselves now that you are older and knowledgeable of the ways of the world like them, it is like trying to save the after taste of a delicious cake or attempting to make the last of an expensive perfume last through the night.
