Monday, January 5, 2015

If I Could Redo High School

Response to pic: I DON'T!

If I could go back to high school do you know how bad I would be? I would be horrible. Let me tell you a bit of history about my high school years. I was fat, had low self esteem, and was not popular. Yes I had maybe two close friends (shout's out to my two closes friends, you know who you are) but aside from them it overall sucked. Schools good, get your education on but the excess, pointless drama I could have done without. If I could go back now I know without a doubt I would be in fights everyday, talk back and barely ever show up to class. I would just be he worst student ever. Why? Because either way I would still graduate. The day of graduation I was surprised to see the same people who barely came to class, definitely failed the class, cussed the teacher out and only showed up to school for home room on the first day of school, graduating. It was then I realized teachers were liars. Teachers spend all this time drilling into your head go to college and you'll get a good paying jobs and all this crap. Well that's all a lie. I have two degrees on the wall and my current profession has NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE DEGREES. If I had known what I do now about how somewhat pointless school was I would have been more extroverted, less fearful, and more outspoken. Now I don't condone acting out kids(shake my finger) but enjoy your high school years and don't take it too seriously as I did.

If you could go back to high school and do it over what would you do different and how would you be?

Comment please😄 and share it around 

1 comment:

  1. As one of your "close friends" I feel obliged to speak to this post! Me you and another friend all had our roles and unique personalities. I was the outspoken, crazy, wild, extroverted one that you speak of in this post, our other friend was the "stuck-up", realist/pessimist, no bullshit one, and you were the shy, introverted, loyal, and smart one. Being that I was the character you describe wanting to be more like in high school I must say it looked way more fun than it actually was. While I did marching band, color guard, was in a variety of other clubs, and always dating some new guy I must say the drama and bs that came along with it was very immature. I know you remember ONE particular situation I may be speaking of involving cat food, Clorox, and a bitch. Looking back at my high school years now I would have to say something I would have changed would have been my level of promiscuity as well as my care for school and my classes. I still would have been an extrovert and been involved in may clubs and activities however, I would have definitely selected my mates a little more wisely and taken my classes more serious so that I may have gotten a scholarship or been accepted into any college of my choosing instead of select ones. I barely graduated high school due to almost failing math lol. I had to BEG my math teacher my senior year to bump my grade to a C so I could graduate! I look fondly upon my younger years and think OMG just glad I made it.
