Saturday, January 3, 2015


I firmly believe that people who wake up early on Saturday morning to come and workout are just motivated people, a different breed. I'm one of those people so yup, I'm bias. At my gym there is a large variety of age groups which is motivating to me. There are 50 and 60 year old men and women who can clean and press more weight than an 19 year old male can. Another reason why going to the gym on Saturday motivates me is because everyone wants to be there and is workng toward a goal. It's hard to find a large group let alone two like minded individuals WITH GOALS.  I'm around a lot of people who are younger than me and they seem to lack the ability to be driven or set goals. I've never been a person to not plan or be driven, but the generation of today kind of seems to expect success and feel entitled to it. But they don't understand you have to work hard to have any success. At the gym I know if I stay doing the same weight and never challenge myself I probably won't ever know my full potential. Gym time is great for me because I can get motivated by just watching others strive. We all have a like mind to want to be better health and fitness wise. Also being at the gym is a break for me to be in the moment and be present.  I'll admit I'm still working on the living versus existing thing.
Today we did a body pump class. For those of you who are not familiar with body pump it's a Les Mills strength, conditioning and lifting type class. The current instructor is training to become an actual instructor. I don't know her personal story but I do remember her when she first came to the gym. I do know that she is 100lbs lighter and toned and has competed and completed running races from 5k's to half marathons. That's what drives me because she started with a goal and keeps setting new ones and knocking them out of the ballpark. We all have a story to tell at the gym and although I may not know everyone's name or be friends with them we all have this commonality that creates a comradery. So yeah I may motivate you to push yourself a bit further and not even know it or high five you after a good workout and I don't have to be fearful that you won't high five back. It's a whole other planet I step into when I go into the gym one without whiners or complainers or do nothing's and NO EXCUSES!

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