Friday, January 2, 2015

Newbie Ramble


The title of this blog is WHAT!

Why you might ask is it titled that?

Well it's honestly because I felt like it.

Today was a day off from work for me. YAY!

Starting a vlog and a blog is a apart of my new years resolution so we'll see how this goes.

Like I said before today was a day off for me, I mostly spent it knitting (Don't laugh at me because I knit, it's therapeutic) and watching YouTube and Netflix, but hey you work more than 80hrs a week you should be able to do as you want on your day's off, right? I got to hang out with my sister a bit which was nice, I usually don't see her very much since we have opposing work hours.  Besides hanging out with her I did try to go find more work out clothes, and that was a complete lost cause.

I love working out.

How do you know you love working out?

When you buy work out clothes for your regular  clothes. YUP, I'm one of those women, but hey I work hard for this body so why not feel comfortable in my Superwoman Under Armour shirt and pants. There's something about athletic clothes that makes me feel empowered.

I don't mean to sound conceited, because I'm far from it but I do believe that if you feel good about yourself then you can channel that same positive energy outward.

I guess I should tell a bit about myself as well. I work a lot, but I'm thankful for the good and bad day's that come with it. I work out a lot at the gym, I run, I like fitness but I used to be almost 200lbs and in a size 20-22. I love the Lord- - shout out to Jesus Christ for holding me down for eternity. Um what else? I'm funny, and weird, but I think that's what makes me and everyone else in the world unique.

I chose to become a vlogger and blogger for my new years resolution after watching YouTuber Travie Williams. I don't know what it was about him- - other than the fact that he's an, funny, hilarious, attractive, handsome, genuine seeming person. If you've never watched his stuff you can find him by just searching his name. I remember watching his video's and some other popular YouTuber's and thinking wow I would be so afraid to do that.

Why would I be afraid you ask?

Well I'm a shy and guarded person. Doesn't Drake or some rapper have a song about "Trust Issues?" (Shrugs)

Blogging and vlogging requires the vlogger and blogger to be very open.

I'm trying to grow more in my life, because I've gotten to a point where everything is routine and mundane and that's not living, that's existing. Existing is not enough, I just refuse to except existing as my life's legacy. I can see the tombstone now. . . . Good Sister, Friend, Exister. If I'm going to live and God wakes me up every morning I can't let that day be in vain. I'm still here for something- -I have no clue what but I'm going to go about my life living it.

So how does one live there life? That's a question I thought I had figured out, but I realize I don't.

What makes me happy? I don't know? Rainbow pooping unicorns?

All I do know is that  in doing this blogging an vlogging thing it's helping me and I hope it helps others maybe.

All I ask is that you comment, and subscribe to my Blogger and YouTube channel (when I get it up and running that is I'll let you know.)
Alright then, love y'all, peace.

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