Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Yeah I knit. what about it?

When I used to think about knitted mittens, hats and scarves I automatically thought grandmother. I can picture it now a gray haired woman in her little cottage rocking in her rocking chair with two needles and a basket full of yarn balls humming smoothly by the fireside knitting. Flash forward to 2015 and you'll find me out to breakfasts with my sister with my yarn bag and loom, knitting the final stitches on a hat. I don't mind that people stare or ask questions about what I'm doing because I enjoy it.
I took up loom knitting because its a coping mechanism and it's soothing to me. Knitting brings me a small sense of being centered and free and it challenges me. I've made over 100 items ranging from college and NFL inspired knit hats to mittens and even a shrug. Most of the items I've just given away because I enjoy the feel of giving to others versus receiving (that will be another blog about how I don't do well receiving gifts or compliments) anything. Last year was trying for many including myself, but although I had no control over those situations I can control what colors go into a hat or design I do for the brim or if they'll be a Pom Pom on top or not. I know all people have there vices and knitting is one of mine and at least it's constructive. There are many troubles in this life, and some are self inflicted while others not so much, but I think that there's always' an answer to our situation somewhere in between the cracks and crevices of dirt that we have to trudge through to get over the next obstacle

1 comment:

  1. This magic you have found to cure yourself is brilliant and beautiful. My magic is words and writing. In the old days we would be deemed witches for conjuring a spell to cure our anxieties, stresses, and depression. You simply knit your emotions into the very seams of your garments, while I lace my words with my regrets, sorrows, and less-than's. In the end we both have a masterpiece of peace to display for all to admire our woes and never even know it.
