Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I'm A Survivor

No I'm not a veteran of the corps
Nor am I a survivor of cancer
No I'm not living with diabetes 
Nope not a survivor of rape
I'm not disabled or handicapped mentally or physically 
But I'm more. I'm a survivor living everyday with this
Like other survivors in this world my wounds are not visible 
No they don't dare show
My wounds are ripped open again from memories 
I'm plagued daily by the what if's and why's 
I'm lead not to trust many, a constant reminder that people must only want to be around because they have a motive
This is my life one where I'm left standing but I don't get a medal for being a survivor. 
No there's no ribbon to support what I've earned. 
And to think all I had to do was almost lose my mind, watch my life crumble down around me and have to figure out how to move on from being broken yet again
But somehow I still have a particle of hope and modicum of motivation and a zeal to keep going. 
I speak for the people like me
The survivors of grief.

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