Tuesday, January 6, 2015

PSA: Ode To A Wretched

This will be a Public Sarcastic Announcement.

Ode to my wretched next door neighbors

Thank you for staying home all day every day. And wearing the same pajamas night and day. I'm figuring you don't wash them because everytime you're outside smoking and talking on your cell phone the stains are still in the same place. You're my motivation as I head off to work. Knowing I'm paying your bills and mine every month keeps me focused in my mind. The thought of knowing after working 10-12hrs I might not have a parking space to park in keeps my worn tired body warm inside. So don't mind me wretched, I'm good, you just keep living off me an any other employed, trying to move up in the world person. It's true everyone must play there part, and you play yours so well. Honestly I'm wrong. I'll take the blame for working so hard when all I should do is sit at home all day and get a check. I must be crazy to think working and providing an income for myself was correct. I should follow you the true leaders because you don't have to wake up early to head into work, or parent your wretched children who if they touch my car again while they're playing and scratch it I will be pressing charges on. It's people like you that I look up to, the honest do nothing's of this life, the ones who have me contemplating where I went wrong in my life. No we don't talk when we pass by but you should know the pure admiration I hold for you.  Ode to the ratchet, I meant wretched. 
Don't take what I say serious, I'm just having fun. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Viva la wretched warrior! Master of nothing,and ferocious trash hunter with a litter in tote teaching the sacred ways of dependency and the art of ratchet I mean wretched. Glamorous aren't they? A keepsake of skid row of our very own we must hold dearly the children that we have yet to give birth to yet provide milk from our bosoms.
